August 21, 2015

I came across Halloween candy in the store yesterday.

That title doesn't really have anything to do with this week's selections, other than indicating that the wind down of summer is starting. That, and I felt it was extraordinarily important that you all know that you can get peanut butter cups en mass now.

But! While it's still summertime, let's all enjoy it with these three songs.

The First: Gentle On My Mind by The Band Perry

Song starts at 1:13 because I know that you care.
I don't know what I was doing when this song was first released, but clearly I was not paying attention (or maybe I just grew too bored of having to watch over a minute of music-less storyline in this video...). I've been a lover of TBP for many years, mostly because I think Kimberly Perry's voice is not something to be messed with and that I wish I had her self-confidence. Having said that, I really can't explain to you what in the world they are up to right now. (If anyone has any insight, please share).
Of course, I have to do my due diligence and give Glen Campbell credit for his song. And also share that I'm a big fan of this modern rendition of a classic. Big fan.
Sidenote: I'm happy with the one brother's decision to refresh his look and tie back that hair, even if it was just for this video.

The Second: Fire by Brett Eldredge

I like the gradual build up of the beat in this one. Also there's clapping, which as you'll remember last week, we've established I'm a big fan of. I don't really have that much else to say about this song other than I like the way he says "fire" ("fah-YA"). That, and having Brett Eldredge's face stare at you for three minutes and twenty-four seconds amongst CGI'd flames is kind of intense.

The Third and Final: Stop Drop + Roll by Dan and Shay

Before you even start with me, I know there should be a comma between "Stop" and "Drop" but that's not the way they do it. Don't you worry: I've already written them about their blatant avoidance of punctuation rules.
Something we can discuss, however, is how these boys really know how to sweep a girl off her feet through song. My goodness. If you require more examples, here. you. go. That should keep your ears occupied for a bit.

Hope you all have a great weekend! I'll be hanging out with my dad and a handful of my siblings.

Thanks for listening,

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